Week 90: Rainbows & Snores

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Location: WeWork (FiDi)
Event: Tech Startups in a Crypto/Blockchain World
Food: Rainbow bagels

Since I've accepted kale into my life I've tried to avoid foods like rainbow bagels. The fake coloring in them is roughly on par with a real housewives cast, though both are highly instagrammable so I guess I can forgive the total lack of substance.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Location: Thoughtworks (Flatiron)
Event: Chatbots: Creating Fluent Natural Language Bots
Food: Pizza

I have a pretty high tolerance for boring tech talks, but these speakers really tested the limits of that generosity. I've fallen asleep at a Stevie Wonder concert before so it was a Herculean task for me to stay awake at this thing. At least the host has a chronic issue of not having enough paper plates, allowing me to indulge my true slob self.

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